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Thank you for choosing Frenily! In order to unlock all features of Frenily, please register an account after you've joined the Minecraft server once. Registering for an account is free of charge.

Please note that you must log in at least once before you can register!

Forgot your password? No problem. Enter the username and email address you registered with.
If you cannot remember which email address you used to register, please ask a member of staff. They can look it up for you.

If the details you entered were correct, you should be receiving an email shortly. Please follow further instructions in the received email.

Your account has successfully been registered! You should be promoted to a member on the server shortly. Thanks so much for choosing Frenily and we hope you have a great time!

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10 vp
1000 dong

A bit of money, enough to get you started

25 vp
3000 dong

Some pocket money, for your troubles

80 vp
10.000 dong

This will finally allow you to get that vase you've always wanted

500 vp
100.000 dong

Nobody can stop you with this kind of money

1,000 vp
350.000 dong

Instant god of money